The chief enemy of creativity... is "good" sense. ~Pablo Picasso

the radio=free memories

Yes I have an iPod, and and iPhone but I can honestly say... I prefer the free radio. 
You never know what you're going to get! I'm a sucker for surprises and the radio never lets me down. Talk about forgotten favorites... 

I'll admit - the other day I did buy "Step by Step". But that was for work... Just go with it :) 
And I know the top 40 stations just play the new stuff over and over, but when that's what I'm in the mood for... I gotta  tell you I'm pretty happy with their redundancy. Just last night I was rocking out to my favorite song right now - 

and when it was over I clicked over to the other top 40 station... and guess what was on! ha.

Does anyone else wish their lives could have a soundtrack? 
I have an awful memory but when I hear a song (or smell a smell) it's quite ridiculous how much I can recall. 

Step by Step... obviously my first crush (see New Kids on the Block post)

I snuck into my brothers high school prom as a kid and will never forget the song that was playing as I watched him slow dance in their "starry night" prom themed gym - so midwest classy :) 

Every spring break totally overplayed some inappropriate song... which was usually accompanied by their MTV Spring Break countdown shenanigans in some exotic location...thanks for rubbing that in... 
Remember... "TheThong Song"??? - Sysco... never heard from him since.

When I was first learning to ski - I was terrible... and so I was just cursing under my breath most of the time... But when I finally gave in and started leaning down the hill like my Norwegian instructor had advised and stopped trying to "fight the mountain" you know what popped into my head... the little ditty from the vonage commercials.

Well the other day I heard Foster the People - "Pumped up Kicks" and immediately my thoughts went to the beach at Lake Sammamish State Park outside Seattle. We were setting up the beach for the swim portion of our TriRock Seattle triathlon. We were all singing it all weekend! 

Then a few months later I saw this at TEDMED...

I just love how turning on the radio is like rolling the dice - you never know what memory you're going to get :) and it's free...

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