The chief enemy of creativity... is "good" sense. ~Pablo Picasso

Thrift store Kilt shopping

When you travel abroad, it's advised that you contact your bank to let them know... in case they see some weird charges coming from say... Scotland. 

I had to laugh because today I used my credit card in Scotland and figured if they questioned the charge, they could easily see it was at a Salvation Army and would think... yep, that's probably her... :)

Wandered around some "vintage" stores - which are not "thrift stores" - easily identifiable by the difference in price. 

Sure enough, ran into a Salvation Army. Probably the smallest Salvation Army I've ever seen. They're just not as wasteful over here in Europe and so they don't have as much crap to give away either. Luckily, they did have just what we were in the market for...

Last night I ate... and ate... and drank... and then ate some of the most amazing carrot cake I've ever had... at a place called
(yes it made me think of the movie... the people under the stairs - but it had a much nicer ending! ha)

I drank a pint of beer  - made with gooseberry!!

and asked the locals about "the underground city tour" and the Lochness monster 
(aka Nessie)
Apparently Nessie is a little bit of a drive away... but we were totally convinced tonight is the night. 
 I'm set to get the bejeesus scared out of me tonight as I tour the hidden underground city beneath Edinburgh and I can't wait. 

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