The chief enemy of creativity... is "good" sense. ~Pablo Picasso

I'm sold... on old :)

I know "vintage" is really "in" right now and I like it. 
My parents are always asking me which pieces of furniture I'd like to claim now, and for years I thought it was a joke. My dad would hand me and my brother each a pad of post it notes and tell us to walk around and put our names on the stuff we wanted. We would look at each other and laugh because there wasn't much we weren't willing to let go to the highest bidder... and more likely to the trash.

 I mean most of it is, well... not exactly valuable, but not that desirable either. They aren't exactly into "investment pieces" :)
However... with the economy in the tank and money tight, the allure of hand me down furniture, even old dresses and jewelry has become fashionable! That's good news for me...

Do you remember when you were a kid and there was nothing interesting in the newspaper except for the comics?
Then as you got older you became pretty interested in the flyers marketing all the newest toys?
Then it was the electronics section that caught your eye.
Pretty soon it was clothes, and then it was cars...
Well I've finally reached that part of my life where thee most boring... has become the most exciting... furniture.

I still can recall flipping through all the Sunday ads being baffled at how anyone could find couches and chairs exciting. And appliances??? forget it...

And now... just a few weeks ago I was home in my parents bedroom admiring their dresser. Beautiful wood, and structure, even the knobs had a newfound draw... It caught me by surprise. 
I hadn't really noticed that piece of furniture even though it had been their dresser my entire life, and my grandmothers life... I mean if you had asked me what it looked like I could have told you, but I guess I took it for granted.

Of course on the opposite wall was another dresser - not so awesome... but it dawned on me how much life has changed. I like that as you get older you become more appreciative, but I also like that the trends right now are on the same page. 

I've always enjoyed reminiscing, sometimes spending too much time in the past and not in the present, but I ran across something yesterday that merged the past and present and I found myself stopping in my tracks and overcome with memories, as well as a feeling of being very present...

Although the price certainly isn't "vintage" and those are LED lights creating a glare... They're just as I remember them...

I'm not quite to the section of my life where gardening tools get me excited...
but it seems I'm on my way...

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