The chief enemy of creativity... is "good" sense. ~Pablo Picasso

Wild Bougainvilliea

My mom came out to visit me for a week. Mom's like to buy you things. I explained to her that I was doing this whole not buying new things for a year thing and her response was, "well I can buy you new things". Not the point Mom. God Bless her. We went thrift store shopping together, certainly  not out of the ordinary for her, but she does love that Ikea, and she went without, for my sake. They don't have Ikea in Iowa, where she lives. The point is, she helped me see the possibilities around me! Wild Bougainvillea's grow all over my neighborhood. The day my dad was flying in to join us at the Emmy's... this is what I awoke to...

even in my bathroom

They grow wild everywhere around here! I totally took them for granted. People plant them and only get to enjoy them for a few months in the midwest, and I get them all year long... and yet I hadn't appreciated them, until then. 

Instead of feeling as though not being able to buy fresh flowers is a sacrifice - I'm now more aware of the world right outside my backyard. Something I think we all forget sometimes. 

Thanks mom. 

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